Top 10 movies about slavery

Top 10 movies about slavery

Top 10 movies about slavery: These historical documentaries on the difficulties of Black and African-American slaves in the 17th and 18th centuries can be found in these slavery videos. Here are the Top 10 movies about slavery

1. 12 years a slave 2013
2. Harriet 2019
3. Emancipation 2022
4. Exodus: gods and kings 2014
5. I am slave 1997
6. Amistad 2010
7. Glory 1998
8. Belle  2013
9. Django unchained 2012
10. Lincoln 2012


12 years a slave

The 1853 slave memoir Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup, an African American man who was abducted in Washington, D.C., in 1841 by two conmen and sold into slavery, served as the basis for the 2013 biographical drama film 12 Years a Slave, which was directed by Steve McQueen from a screenplay by John Ridley. Before being freed, he was forced to work for 12 years on Louisianan plantations.

The British Academy of Film and Television Arts honored the movie with BAFTA Awards for Best Film and Best Actor for Ejiofor in addition to the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Drama. The movie has been hailed as one of the best of the decade and of all time since its premiere. In 2016, a BBC poll of 177 critics ranked the movie as the 44th best since 2000.

Top 10 movies about slavery


The amazing story of Harriet Tubman’s freedom from slavery and rise to fame as one of America’s greatest heroines, whose bravery, cunning, and tenacity liberated thousands of slaves and altered the course of history.

2019’s Harriet is an American biographical film that was written and co-directed by Kasi Lemmons and Gregory Allen Howard. Abolitionist Harriet Tubman is portrayed by Cynthia Erivo, with supporting performances by Leslie Odom Jr., Joe Alwyn, and Janelle Monáe. Years ago, there were rumors that various actresses, including Viola Davis, would appear in a biography of Harriet Tubman. In February 2017, Erivo was cast, and a large portion of the cast and crew joined in 2018. From October to December 2018, Virginia served as the location for filming.

Top 10 movies about slavery


Another of the Top 10 movies about slavery is Emancipation. This is a movie abut a runaway slave who endures a torturous trip through Louisiana’s swamps to get away from the plantation owners who almost killed him.

“Emancipation” portrays the inspiring tale of Peter (Will Smith), a slave who frees himself by evading ruthless hunters and Louisiana’s harsh swamps with the help of his cunning, unshakeable faith, and great love for his family. The 1863 photographs of “Whipped Peter,” which were taken during a Union Army medical examination and initially appeared in Harper’s Weekly, served as the basis for the movie. One photograph, dubbed “The Scourged Back,” which depicts Peter’s bare back being damaged by a beating administered by his masters, ultimately fueled rising anti-slavery sentiment.

Top 10 movies about slavery

Exodus: Gods and Kings

Moses, the rebellious leader, rises up against Ramses II, the Egyptian pharaoh, and leads 600,000 slaves on a historic adventure of escape from Egypt and its dreadful sequence of fatal plagues.

Moses (Christian Bale) and Ramses (Joel Edgerton), two Egyptian princes, are brought up as siblings. He is Ramses’ most trusted advisor when he ascends to the throne of Egypt. Ramses banishes Moses to the desert, which is frequently a death sentence after he soon learns that he is of Hebrew ancestry. Moses, however, has a task from God: to set the Israelites free from captivity. When Ramses refuses Moses’ request to release his people after his return from exile, a conflict between the wills of God results.

Top 10 movies about slavery

I Am Slave

I Am Slave, a 2010 television movie made for Channel 4, tells the tale of one woman’s struggle to escape contemporary slavery. On August 30, 2010, Channel 4 broadcast its debut. The majority of the film is based on the experiences of Sudanese author and human rights campaigner Mende Nazer, a former slave who now lives in London and Sudan.

During a Muharaleen attack on their village, 12-year-old Malia from the Nuba Mountains is kidnapped from her father’s arms. She is bought into slavery and is forced to labor for a Sudanese family for the remaining six years of her life. When she is 18, she is then transported to London, where she continues to face cruelty and inhumanity but under a different roof.

Top 10 movies about slavery


When a Spanish-owned ship is taken off the shore of Long Island, the Mende captives on board revolt, sparking a significant uproar in the US. The legal status of the Mende must be determined by the courts.

The slave ship Amistad sailed from Cuba to America in 1839. Cinque (Djimon Hounsou) leads the slaves in an unheard-of insurrection during the tiresome journey. Then they are imprisoned in Connecticut, where there is a contentious discussion about their release. Freed slave Theodore Joadson (Morgan Freeman) hires real estate attorney Roger Baldwin (Matthew McConaughey) to support his case in an effort to have Cinque and the others cleared. Anthony Hopkins’ John Quincy Adams eventually joins him as an ally.

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Fighting discrimination from both his own Union Army and the Confederates. Robert Gould Shaw commands the first all-black volunteer company in the American Civil War.

Col. Robert Gould Shaw (Matthew Broderick) is given command of the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, the country’s first all-African-American regiment, after the Battle of Antietam. Shaw assembles a powerful and valiant unit with junior officer Cabot Forbes (Carey Elwes), which includes fugitive slave Trip (Denzel Washington) and sage gravedigger John Rawlins (Morgan Freeman). The regiment fights to be placed in the thick of battle after initially being restricted to menial manual labor.

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Dido Elizabeth Belle, the multiracial daughter of Royal Navy Captain Sir John Lindsay (Matthew Goode), is raised in 18th-century England by her aristocratic great-uncle Lord William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield (Tom Wilkinson).

The mixed-race, illegitimate daughter of a British admiral (Gugu Mbatha-Raw) plays a significant part in the effort to end slavery in England.

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Django unchained

Slave Django (Jamie Foxx) joins Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz), an unconventional German bounty hunter. On a mission to apprehend the savage Brittle brothers two years before the American Civil War. Following the accomplishment of their mission, Schultz releases Django. And the two of them travel in search of the most wanted criminals in the South. They eventually arrive at the notorious Calvin Candie plantation, played by the duplicitous Leonardo DiCaprio. Where Django’s long-lost wife, Kerry Washington, is still a slave.

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Lincoln is another on the Top 10 movies about slavery list. The president of the United States struggles with the ongoing bloodshed on the front lines while at odds with several members of his own cabinet over the decision to free the slaves.

President Abraham Lincoln devotes the full scope of his passion, empathy, and political savvy to what would become his defining legacy. To finish the war and abolitionize slavery through the 13th Amendment. At the time, the country was still immersed in the Civil War, which had claimed a high death toll. Lincoln advances with enormous courage and intelligence. And moral fortitude to force the country and those in government who disagree with him to work toward a better good for all people.

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