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Top medieval movies

Top medieval movies: Despite the challenges, a lot of medieval movies have been immensely popular both commercially…



Top medieval movies

Top medieval movies: Despite the challenges, a lot of medieval movies have been immensely popular both commercially and critically. The best medieval films are essential viewing for every movie aficionado.

The medieval era is a rich source for idealized retellings of historical events and epic tales of victory on the battlefield, but it appears to have lost some of its appeal in recent years. Here are the Top medieval movies:

1. El Cid

2. Macbeth

3. The Adventures of Robin Hood.

4. Braveheart

5. Excalibur

6. Trilogy of The Lord of the Rings

7. Seven samurai

8. Arthur

9. Black Death

10. Gladiator

1. El Cid

The life of Don Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, who was eventually given the name El Cid (The Lord), is the subject of the epic historical drama El Cid. He was a knight from Castile who served King Ferdinand I the Great in the eleventh century. Two Muslim emirs were saved by Don Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar after a battle. And he later frees them after they swear to
keep the peace with their neighbors.
Other noblemen were incensed by this act of forgiveness. Rodrigo loses the trust of the other noblemen, but the monarch still has faith in him.
Top medieval movies

2. Macbeth

Another Shakespearean drama that has been turned into a film is Macbeth. Roman Polanski
experienced a terrible tragedy when the Manson family murdered his wife and unborn child.
He drew inspiration from his loss to make this film, which is exceptionally bloody and brutal. The terrible tale of betrayal and avarice for power at the Scottish monarchy’s court during the Middle Times is the subject of the movie.
Macbeth protests against the ruler and usurps the throne on the basis of the prophecy made by three witches and encouraged by his wife.
Since the movie was bombed at the box office, many people believed that Shakespearean adaptations were no longer an option.
Top medieval movies

3. The Adventures of Robin Hood.

A historical figure named Robin Hood who served as a vigilante in medieval England is the inspiration for the movie The Adventures of Robin Hood.
Many famous actors from the Golden Age of Hollywood are featured in the film, including Errol Flynn, Olivia De Havilland, Basil Rathborne, Claude Rains, and others. Because Richard the Lionheart, the Norman monarch, is gone fighting in the Holy Land, the kingdom of England is in terrible straits.
Prince John, his brother, has declared himself to be the regent during his absence. The Saxons and other Prince John and his Norman allies are persecuting tribes.
Top medieval movies

4. Braveheart

A historical epic called Braveheart tells the story of William Wallace. It is based on Blind Harry’s poem The Actes and Deidis of the Illustre and Vallyeant Campion Schir William Wallace from the 15th century.
Despite the fact that the script had numerous historical mistakes. To put an end to years of strife, all of England and Scotland were united under the rule of King Edward I.
Under William Wallace’s leadership, the Scottish rebels persisted in their fight for freedom because they did not like being subjugated by the English.
Top medieval movies

5. Excalibur

This grand rendition of the Arthurian legend, directed by John Boorman, stars Helen Mirren as Morgana Le Faye and Nigel Terry as King Arthur. As he contends with evil powers like Morgana for control over Britain’s crown jewelsthe sword Excaliburand its ultimate destiny follows Arthur from his lowly beginnings to his epic climb to power. Fans of fantasy movies in general or medieval movies, in particular, must-see Excalibur.
Top medieval movies

6. Trilogy of The Lord of the Rings 

This three-part epic fantasy film series, which is based on JRR Tolkien’s renowned books, follows Frodo Baggins (Elijah Wood) on his mission to free Sauron from the One Ring and stop him from using it for evil. It also has an all-star cast that includes Ian McKellen, Liv Tyler, Viggo Mortensen, Sean Astin, and more, in addition to amazing special effects that bring Middle Earth to life like never before seen on film.
Top medieval movies

7. Seven samurai

Akira Kurosawa’s masterpiece, which is strongly rooted in medieval Japan, follows a group of villagers who hire a gang of samurai to defend them from raiders. Although superb performances are given by actors like Toshiro Mifune as Kikuchiyo. Kurosawa’s cinematography really brings the medieval atmosphere to life.
The aristocratic (though impoverished) samurai stand in stark contrast to the filthy
desperation of the villagers. And the epic battle at the film’s end, which is fought in the pouring rain, features some of the best fighting ever captured on film. A timeless masterpiece that hasn’t lost any of its power.
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8. Arthur

The movie offers a made-up tale based on archaeological evidence that suggests a natural person named Arthur, a Roman general, was the original source of the King Arthur legend. The Saxons, who invade Britain as the ailing empire is withdrawing and leaving the locals at the mercy of invaders, engage Arthur and his Knights (from tribes conquered by the Roman Empire) in battle in the movie, which blends historical evidence with parts of the Arthurian legend.
King Arthur concentrates on political problems, the fall of the Roman Empire, the march of the Saxon barbarians, the battles between Christians and pagans over religion, and Arthur’s vain endeavor to hold Britain together, which ultimately results in widespread barbarismafter all, everything was settled. the sword, covered in blood and death
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9. Black Death

Action-horror film Black Death is set in England during the bubonic plague outbreak.
A squad of soldiers is dispatched to inspect a rural village that has remained plague-free due to the strong influence of the church.
They believe that the Devil is protecting the populace through his deeds. The original Dario Poloni script indicates that Satan was present in the community.

The priest who was assigned to instruct the troops ends up in Hell because of his misdeeds. However, Christopher Smith, the director, substantially altered the script. He portrayed Hell as simply a mental state that the priest falls into out of guilt. The movie garnered positive reviews.

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10. Gladiator

The plot of Gladiator was strong and captivating.

As most people are probably aware, the historical fiction film Gladiator depicts the tale of Maximus (Russell Crowe), a Roman general who was overthrown by Commodus (Joaquin Phoenix), Caesar Marcus Aurelius’s own son. Commodus has Maximus’ wife and kid put to death while he was stripped of his status and consigned to work as a slave in the gladiatorial arenas of Rome. Maximus, driven by retaliation for the murder of his family, quickly rises through the ranks of Rome’s fiercest gladiators using his battle experience and military knowledge. Before facing Emperor Commodus, Maximus becomes a symbol of hope for Rome’s beleaguered population.

Top medieval movies 9 - Top medieval movies


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Facts about Samuel Aghalino

Professor Samuel Ovuete Aghalino had his first degree in History and Education from the then Bendel State University, Ekpoma, and MA, Ph.D in History from the University of Ilorin, Nigeria. Here are a few Facts about Samuel Aghalino



Facts about Samuel Aghalino
Professor Samuel Ovuete Aghalino is with the Department of History and International Studies, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria. He had his first degree in History and Education from the then Bendel State University, Ekpoma, and MA, Ph.D in History from the University of Ilorin, Nigeria. Here are a few Facts about Samuel Aghalino

Table of Contents

1. Certification

He holds a Certificate in Leadership, Strategy and Change Management, from the Centre of Applied Entrepreneurship, University Coventry, Coventry UK; Coursera online Certificates in Preparing to Manage Human Resources, University of Minnesota and Certificate in Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal and Professional Productivity, University of California, Irvine, Division of Continuing Education among others.
One of the interesting Facts about Samuel Aghalino is, Until recently, he was the Head, Department of History and International Studies, and Director, University of Ilorin Archives and Documentation Centre. Samuel Aghalino’s research interests are in the areas of Economic and Social History, with emphasis on the oil armada and socio-economic and environmental change in the Niger Delta, Nigeria.
His works in the Niger Delta challenged the existing narrative which gives the impression that the impasse in the region is a recent phenomenon and gave the issues in contention historical depth.
This was achievable with the reliance on otherwise neglected sources and an interdisciplinary approach to interrogate the history of the region, which we established has been colored by one form of oily friction or the other. Furthermore,

2. Research

Professor Samuel Aghalino has expanded his research focus to include environmental sustainability, illegal bunkering, illicit refineries and maritime security. He has published extensively in flagship local, national and international journals, including African Studies Monograph, Africana, Journal of Sustainable Development, Journal of Human Ecology, Tribes and Tribals, Indian Journal of Politics, Quint, Area Studies Review, etc.
He has also contributed chapters in books. Samuel Aghalino is the author of a number of books including Oil Exploitation in the Western Niger Delta: A Cost-Benefit Analysis, 1956-1995 (Saarbrucken, Germany: Lambert, 2011 and his commissioned and edited book, Delta Beyond Oil: A Quest for Sustainable Development (Benin City: Mindex, 2014) , which received commendation from the Delta State Government.
His publications have attracted 705 citations as a Google Scholar with h-index 14 and i10-index 19. In recognition of his contribution to knowledge and knowledge production particularly in the history of the Niger Delta, his friends and colleagues did a Festschrift in his honor and it is titled ‘History and the Niger Delta: Oil, Politics and Culture, (2020) .
Professor Aghalino is a member several professional associations.
These include: Historical Society of Nigeria, Nigerian Academy Letters, the Nigerian Army Resource Centre, Abuja, Society for Global Business and Economic Development, Peace and Collaborative Development Network, African Economic History Network, African Network on Global History, Friends of the Earth and Association of African Historians.
Facts about Samuel Aghalino

3. Awards and Recognition

In 2016, he received the Presidential Award in recognition of his outstanding services to the Historical Society of Nigeria. As an avid participant in the annual congresses of the Historical Society of Nigeria, he was the Chairman, Conference Organizing Committee, Chairman of the Biographical Series Committee, Chairman, Ethics Committee as well Chairman, Fellows Night Committee.
He was a member of Council of the Historical Society of Nigeria, representing North Central, Vice President, North Central and a Fellow of the Historical Society of Nigeria. Professor Aghalino is currently the President, Historical Society of Nigeria.

4. Works in Diaspora

Another of the Facts about Samuel Aghalino is that Professor Aghalino has attended and presented papers in a number of learned conferences within and outside Nigeria. To mention just but a few; he attended conferences in Singapore, Germany, Kenya, the US, and the UK.
He was a member, Publications Committee, Senate Representative to Council and several committees in the University of Ilorin. He is the Editor, Ilorin Journal of History and International Studies, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria and he is on the Editorial Board of national and international journals.
Samuel Aghalino is a reviewer for the International Journal of Arts and Humanities, Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, African Identity, African Spectrum, Journal of Asian and African Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications and a host of others. Professor Aghalino was a visiting Lecturer to several universities and also external examiner, undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs in several universities, including the Nigerian Defense Academy, Kaduna.
He a resource person and subject expert for JAMB and have participated in accreditation/resource verification of programs for the National Universities Commission. By way of community service to Delta state and Nigeria, he was member, Governing Council, Delta State School of Marine Technology, Burutu , and Chairman, Governing Council, College of Education, Warri.
Samuel Aghalinowas a member of the Delta state Thin-tank to the 2014 National Confab in Abuja. Professor Samuel Aghalino is currently a member of the Governing Council, Delta State University of Science and Technology, Ozoro. Aghalino is a multiple recipient of several awards and also a community mobiliser and he is married with children.
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Best Christian reality show in Nigeria



Best Christian reality show in Nigeria

Table of Contents

 Bible star tv show

Of the Best Christian reality show in Nigeria, the upcoming Bible Stars series holds the top slot. It is one of the best Christian reality shows, and it is said to be the first of its type, with the goal of entertaining viewers while showcasing and advancing Christian values and beliefs.
The huge home experience is unlike anything you’ve ever had. Prepare yourself for intense challenges, tasks that will rock the foundation, star guests, and several elements that will highlight the principles of God’s Kingdom. Here are a few facts about Best Christian reality show in Nigeria, bible star tv show.

About the Best Christian reality show in Nigeria

A stunning ten million naira and a brand-new automobile make up the big prize. In addition, the first and second runners-up will receive cash prizes. The Big House and the Eviction Stage are the two stages of the Bible Stars Reality Show. encounter. Thirty-six champions from the shortlist compete in the Eviction Stage.

Only 12 of these 36 will be able to compete for the coveted crown by entering the Big House. Yearly Bible Personality. For this season, the show’s registration is closed. Every year, the  Best Christian reality show in Nigeria, Bible Stars is scheduled to focus on contestants’ biblical knowledge. It’s a national program.

There are two exciting levels to the captivating Bible Stars Reality Show. The Eviction Stage is where it all starts, with only 36 contestants fighting for a position in the spotlight after advancing through challenges presented to thousands of eager viewers. These 36 up-and-coming talents will compete for 12 keys that will let them enter the BIG HOUSE!

The huge home experience is unlike anything you’ve ever had. Prepare yourself for intense challenges, tasks that will rock the foundation, star guests, and several elements that will highlight the principles of God’s Kingdom.

According to the organizers of the Best Christian reality show in Nigeria, Bible-Stars TV reality show, the public will be involved in an unveiling and pre-show in July before the actual show begins. Every year, a reality show called Bible Stars is scheduled to focus on contestants’ biblical knowledge.

Best Christian reality show in Nigeria

The Vision

Though it starts in Kwara state, the show is national in scope. Bectta Eferobome, a visionary and project manager in Nigeria, stated that the show aims to deflect viewers’ attention from worldly affairs and offer a way for them to relax with something meaningful after a hard day. According to Eferobome, the pre-show would be a copy of the finale and give viewers a preview of what’s to come in a few months.

The winner of the pre-show is to win N20,000 while the Winner of the show wins a brand new car plus cash prizes. Other participants are to also win various prizes in the first nationwide bible challenge.

About Christian reality shows

Watchers can find a special combination of spiritual insight, inspiration, and amusement in Christian reality TV shows. These shows explore the lives of people who manage their religion journeys in the spotlight—individuals, families, and communities. These shows give Christians a forum to discuss their experiences, challenges, and victories.

They range from talent contests displaying gospel music proficiency to personal portrayals of Christian marriages and relationships. Christian reality TV encourages viewers to investigate the relationship between faith and daily life through moving testimonies, biblical lessons, and real-life struggles. These programs like bible star tv reality show, seek to inspire, motivate, and deepen viewers’ faith globally, whether by revealing the inner workings of ministries or emphasizing the transformational power of faith.


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Facts about Julius Malema

Renowned South African politician Julius Sello Malema is well-known for his vehement speeches. Here are a few facts about Julius Sello Malema



Facts about Julius Sello Malema

Born on March 3, 1981, Julius Sello Malema is a politician from South Africa. He is the founder and head of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), a far-left populist political party whose members are recognized by their military-inspired attire and red berets. He presided over the African National Congress (ANC) Youth League prior to its founding, holding the position from 2008 until his expulsion from the organization in 2012. Here are a few facts about Julius Malema:

Renowned South African politician Julius Sello Malema is well-known for his vehement speeches, contentious remarks, and populist appeal.

1. Early Life and Education:

On March 3, 1981, in Seshego, a township close to Polokwane, South Africa, Julius Malema was born. He was raised in a modestly-income family and was active in politics from an early age. Malema studied at the University of South Africa (UNISA) after graduating from Mohlakaneng High School.

As the president of the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) from 2008 to 2012, Malema gained notoriety in the political sphere. He gained notoriety throughout his term for being frank in his criticism of the ANC’s leadership and his support of drastic economic change.

Facts about Julius Sello Malema

2. Statements that Have Caused Controversy:

Julius Malema is no stranger to controversy. Throughout his political career, he has made a number of contentious statements, some of which have been denounced as provocative and racially divisive. In spite of legal troubles and disciplinary measures, Malema has continued to be a divisive figure in South African politics.

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) were established in 2013 by Gayma. The EFF is a left-wing political organization that supports nationalizing important companies, expropriating land without compensation, and implementing drastic socioeconomic reform. The EFF took off right away, especially with disgruntled young people and underprivileged groups.

3. Political Influence:

Malema and the EFF have become important figures in South African politics, upending the ANC’s hegemony and influencing the country’s conversation on topics like land reform, corruption, and economic inequality.

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4. Legal Issues:

Throughout his career, Malema has dealt with a number of legal issues, including accusations of money laundering, corruption, and hate speech. Malema has kept his support base and political significance in spite of these legal disputes.

5. Social Media Presence:

Malema is active in social media, especially Twitter, where he frequently expresses his thoughts, interacts with followers, and criticizes public servants and policies.

6. Legacy and Impact:

It is impossible to dispute Malema’s impact on South African politics, regardless of one’s personal feelings toward him. In addition to bringing concerns impacting underprivileged groups to light, he has given the political climate of the nation a new lease on life and aggressive politics.

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Here are some additional facts about Julius Sello Malema:

Leadership in the Youth League:

In 2008, at the age of 27, Malema was elected president of the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL). Radical rhetoric and pledges for economic reform typified his leadership style.

Expulsion from the African National Congress (ANC):

In 2012, Malema was kicked out of the party for causing strife and damaging its reputation. A major turning point in his political career was this expulsion.

In 2013, after being kicked out of the African National Congress (ANC), Julius Malema established the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF). The party’s manifesto supports additional communist goals such as nationalizing important companies and expropriating land without compensation.

Facts about Julius Sello Malema

Youth Influence:

Malema has become a symbol of empowerment and optimism for many young South Africans, especially those from underprivileged origins, as a result of his ascent to prominence as a youthful leader.

Legal Issues:

Malema has been involved in a number of legal issues, such as accusations of tax evasion, money laundering, and corruption. He still has a significant political following in spite of these legal disputes.

Political Controversies:

Malema’s contentious remarks and combative manner are well-known. On multiple instances, he has been charged with instigating violence and using hate speech.

Facts about Julius Sello Malema

Populist Appeal:

A sizable section of the South African population, especially those who are frustrated with the ANC’s leadership and feel that the party isn’t doing enough to solve issues of poverty and inequality, have responded favorably to Malema’s populist rhetoric and promises of dramatic change.

Influence on Social Media:

Malema is well-known for his activities on Twitter, where he has a sizable fan base and frequently uses the medium to express his political opinions, attack opponents, and rally support for the EFF.

International Relations:

Malema has shown support for a number of global causes and figures, such as former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe. His opinions on foreign policy have occasionally sparked debate and garnered criticism.

Political Influence:

Malema and the EFF continue to be significant figures in South African politics, constantly questioning the current quo and advocating for drastic reforms. Their influence on the political climate of the nation is still felt, especially when it comes to discussions of topics like economic justice and land reform.

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