How Alcohol can kill you

How Alcohol can kill you

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Alcohol is one of the most consumed substances in the world. as it can also be found in almost every edible substance that humans consume. it also stands as a depressant drug that calms the nerves and although sometimes can make any individual hallucinate.

According to the World Health Organisation in June 2016, “The WHO European Region has the highest level of adult alcohol consumption of the six WHO regions. In 2016, the regional average for adults (aged 15 years and older) was 9.8 liters of pure alcohol per capita (comprising 8.0 liters of recorded alcohol and 1.8 liters of unrecorded alcohol)”.

It’s so painful that only a few know that alcohol is a bottled killer, and when not contained, it can lead to tremendous consequences. however, the intake of alcohol can kill and only a few know about this. Some say alcohol can’t kill it’s only excessive intake that can. this assertion is quite wrong as the gradual intake of alcohol has its own effects.

   Why People Take Alcohol

“The World Health Organization estimates that alcohol kills three million people throughout the world every year. In other words, alcohol is the cause of 5.3% of all human deaths annually”. However, there are several reasons why people take alcohol, among them are:

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  • Depression: One of the common factors that have led people to alcohol is depression. the belief that alcohol will help cope or forget what an individual is going through. this has made a lot of people become chronic drinkers who don’t think of the effects anymore.
  • Peer groups: Another common factor for drinking alcohol is the influence of peer groups.  Peer group factor is common among Teenagers,  as they drink to feel among and be accepted by their friends.
  • Availability: The Availability of alcohol is responsible for some people’s consumption of alcohol.
  • Ritualism: The use of Alcohol for prayers and religious purposes has led to people consuming it. for instance, some tribes in Africa and Asia use alcohol for prayers to their gods and during ceremonies.
  • Advertisements: The continuous marketing of alcohol in movies, and ads on social media coupled with celebrities who are role models advertising alcohol has led to people consuming the product.

How Alcohol Can Kill You


Excessive intake of alcohol can lead to brain damage. the immediate effects of drinking alcohol which are blurry vision, difficulty walking, and slow reaction sometimes are just a gradual step to a full brain issue.  According to an article by the United States Department of Health & Human Services Alcohol “can produce detectable impairments in memory after only a few drinks and, as the number of alcohol increases, so does the degree of impairment. Large quantities of alcohol, especially when consumed quickly and on an empty stomach, can produce a blackout, or an interval of time for which the intoxicated person cannot recall key details of events or even entire events”. So People who consume significant amounts of alcohol over extended periods of time face the danger of experiencing serious and long-lasting alterations in their brains, one of the effects on the brain is “Wernicke korsakoff” syndrome and fetal alcohol syndrome.


Another problem an individual can develop over time from alcohol is liver disease. Liver cirrhosis also happens to individuals as a result of too much intake of alcohol.


The serious intake of alcohol can also lead to cancer. The consumption also causes nearly 3,500 people to develop cancer (approximately 3% of people newly diagnosed with cancer) and more than 2000 people die from cancer in Australia each year. There is strong evidence that drinking alcohol increases people’s risk of cancers of the female breast, liver, mouth, throat (pharynx and larynx), esophagus, and bowel. Heavy drinking may also increase people’s risk of stomach cancer according to CCV.  Alcohol can cause cancer as a result of too much ethanol entering the body.


According to W.H.O  Alcohol use is the most important modifiable risk factor for cancer in the WHO European Region. Up to 85% of lung cancer-related deaths and 15% of stomach cancer-related deaths are attributable to Alcohol and tobacco. The risk of lung, colorectal, stomach, breast, and pancreatic cancers rises significantly with alcohol consumption.

Other issues that can happen due to serious intake of alcohol are violent acts, and accidents, most especially when one drinks and drives.


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