TGN News

The Global Network News (TGN News) is a reputable online news network committed to upholding information integrity and conducting thorough research.

With a focus on both historical and current events, TGN News provides an enlightening and educational perspective on global issues.

From health and education to sports and beyond, TGNNews delivers in-depth coverage and analysis of the significant events that affect our daily lives, keeping readers informed and engaged with the issues that matter most.

The Global Network News TGN News - About Us (TGN News)


TGN News’ historical coverage is the result of extensive research conducted over weeks and months, drawing from a diverse array of public and private documents. This approach allows us to present the past objectively and without bias.

Following the wisdom of Lucian, an ancient Greek writer and satirist (c.125-185), who believed that a good historian should be fearless, uncorrupted, and devoted to truth and liberty, TGN News on History adheres to these principles.

We present human history to our audience with exactitude, sincerity, and impartiality, providing a factual account that allows readers to experience the past as if it were unfolding before them. - About Us (TGN News)


TGN News’ sports coverage spans a wide spectrum, from football to hockey and basketball, recounting the captivating achievements and records set by both clubs and individual athletes.

The Global Network News TGN News 1 - About Us (TGN News)


Our educational coverage delves into pertinent issues, scholarships, and trending educational topics. Additionally, the educational space on our network offers valuable resources for global examinations, including past examination questions to aid in preparations.

Editorial Inquiries, Corrections, and Leads

If you have an inquiry or a lead for our editorial team, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. We will do our utmost to respond promptly.

Contact Information

  • Physical Address: 45, Sanrab Road, Tanke Rd, 240222, Ilorin, Kwara State Nigeria.
  • Phone: +2348172835708
  • WhatsApp: +2348172835708
  • Email Address: [email protected]